Couture Through the Ages

Dr. Sylvia Freygner welcomed distinguished guests Rudolf Niedersüß, owner and CEO of the traditional company Knize, Mag. Gabor and Doris Rose, owners and directors of the local fashion label Jones, as well as Dr. Harry Bergmann, owner and CEO of Demner, Merlicek & Bergmann.

The guests offered the prominent audience insights into the foundations of their success, sharing stories of progress, breakthroughs, and victories.

As part of a retro fashion show, Danielle Spera, Ingrid Haimböck, Sonja Kato-Mailath-Pokorny, Gabriela Schnabel, and Beate Schullin showcased the latest Jones collection.

Additionally, the Hilger Gallery presented works by Nikolaus Moser within the law firm’s premises.

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