On the Destruction of Autonomous Arts and Sciences Born from the Spirit of the Market

On October 9, 2013, Sylvia Freygner, in collaboration with the Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden, hosted a Philosophical Salon as part of SALON | PRIVÉ. For the first time, the Philosophical Day was organized as a salon evening in cooperation with Jutta Skokan, Director of the Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden. The evening’s theme, „On the Destruction of Autonomous Arts and Sciences Born from the Spirit of the Market,“ was discussed by Elisabeth Schweeger, Director of the Kunstfestspiele Herrenhausen, and artist Bazon Brock, under the moderation of journalist Michael Fleischhacker.

„The market does not define us.“ | Elisabeth Schweeger

The in-depth discussion centered on the autonomy of individuals and what autonomy means in today’s society. Elisabeth Schweeger highlighted that the economic pressure to act efficiently has grown so significant that it is increasingly difficult to assert individual perspectives. In his keynote, Bazon Brock emphasized that modern societies need individuals who can freely develop and act autonomously.

„You are autonomous when you can detach yourself ideologically.“ | Bazon Brock

Among the distinguished guests were Claus Raidl (President of the Austrian National Bank), Univ.-Prof. Martin Haselböck (Founder & Artistic Director of the Orchester Wiener Akademie), Ellen Lemberger (ORF Economic Editor), and Mario Rohracher (Secretary General of the GSV).

For more information about the Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden, visit www.festwochen-gmunden.at or www.facebook.com/salzkammergut.festwochen.

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